Slide information

In the slide captions you can specify special variables that will be replaced with the actual information when the program displays the slide show. Variables can be combined with text, for example: "Date of this file is {SlideInfo: FileDateShort}", "This photo was taken on {EXIF: Date/Time Original}".


Here's the list of the SlideInfo variables:

{SlideInfo: FileName} Slide image file name with extension
{SlideInfo: FileNameWoExt} Slide image file name without extension
{SlideInfo: FilePath} Slide image file path
{SlideInfo: FileSize} Slide image file size
{SlideInfo: FileDateShort} Slide image file date in the short format
{SlideInfo: FileTimeShort} Slide image file time in the short format
{SlideInfo: FileDateLong} Slide image file date in the long format
{SlideInfo: FileTimeLong} Slide image file time in the long format
{SlideInfo: SlideNumber} Slide number
{SlideInfo: SlideCount} Slide count

If your image files have describing file names and you want to display them as captions during the show, use the {SlideInfo: FileNameWoExt} variable.

File list, names as captions

This screenshot displays the File List panel with image files whose names describe the places on the images. Add all images to the current project by the Add All button. To display the file names without the image file extension (.jpg in this case), you should place {SlideInfo: FileNameWoExt} variable to all slide captions. Select all the slides (use the SlideShow | Select All menu or the same item from the Slide List right-click popup menu or press Ctrl+A). Then open the Slide Caption window (use the SlideShow | Slide Caption menu or press Ctrl+T).

Slide caption editor

The screenshot above displays the Slide Caption editor. To insert one of the SlideInfo variables, click the Insert {SlideInfo} button and select a variable from the menu. When you click OK, the text will be placed to the captions of the selected slides like on the following screenshot.

Slide list, captions with SlideInfo variable

EXIF and IPTC information

Your photos can contain meta information saved by the digital camera or image editing software in EXIF and IPTC formats. You can also place this information in the captions. The EXIF Inspector window (the Tools | EXIF Inspector menu) displays EXIF and IPTC fields of your image files. To import some fields to the captions, use the Template edit box. Right-click on a field and select the Insert to Template menu item to insert the field variable to the template. When you click the Import button, the program will replace the EXIF and IPTC variables with the actual information and place it to the Caption column. Click OK to close the window and save the new captions to the Slide List. Another way is to place {EXIF} and {IPTC} variables directly to the captions by the Slide Caption editor as described above.

EXIF Inspector window

The Tools button opens the menu that allows you to fix the picture orientation according {EXIF: Orientation} field and sort slides by date/time taken by the photo camera ({EXIF: Date/Time Original} field).

EXIF Inspector's Tools menu

To find more information about the software, please visit MySlideShow page on Anix Software website.