How to create a web gallery from your slide show project

In MySlideShow v3.1 the web gallery feature was redesigned. Now you can select a gallery template and style. The template defines the page structure and code (HTML and JavaScript) of your web gallery. The style defines the visual presentation (CSS and images).

Templates and Styles

The current version contains "Slide Show" and "Table" templates. Both templates display an information panel at the top of the page. The "Slide Show" has a horizontal thumbnail panel at the bottom, the "Table" displays a table of thumnails. The information panel contains the slide navigation buttons and displays the current slide number and the number of slides in the show. This panel can also display slide captions and any text information you may want to place there (site description, author, date and contact info). The thumbnail panel allows you to select one of the slides.

You can also select one of the gallery styles. The current version contains five styles (Black Mica, Emerald, Blue Simpletone, Siberian Winter and Watermelon). The style files are located in the WebGallery2\Styles subfolder of the program folder on your computer (by default, the full path is "c:\Program Files\MySlideShow Gold 3\WebGallery2\Styles"). Each subfolder of the Styles folder contains one style.

The web gallery templates and styles can be customized or added. You should know HTML, JavaScript and CSS technologies to do this.

The Web Gallery window

Create a new slide show project or open an existing one. Then select the Tools | Web Gallery menu or press F10. The Web Gallery window contains the following tabs: General, Style, Images, Thumbnails and Info. The General tab allows you to select the folder on the hard drive where you want to save your web gallery. By default, MySlideShow saves output web galleries to subfolders of "My Documents\My SlideShows\Webs". Use the Styles tab to select the template, style and special template options like number of thumbnail table rows and columns for the Table template.

On the Image tab you can select the image size in pixels. If you select the "Crop to fill" option, the program will produce output images with exactly the size you set. If the option is not selected, the program will create images with the size that fits to your pixel size. You can select similar options for the thumbnail images on the Thumbnails tab. The "Crop to fill" option is especially useful if your source image files have different pixel resolution.

Web gallery title and info

The Info tab allows you to enter the page title and page information text. When you open your web gallery, the web browser will display the page title in its caption. You can use HTML tags in the page information text. For example, the following code displays the gallery name in the first line, the author name in the second line and the link to the website in the third line:

<span style="font-size: 12pt; font-weight: bold; color: blue">My redneck world</span><br>
<span style="color: #4278bf">by John Valenok</span><br>
website: <a href=""></a>

Saving on the local disk

To save an output web gallery on the hard drive, click Start. When the process has been completed, click Explore to open the output folder in Windows Explorer. Open the "index.htm" file by your web browser. Notice that Internet Explorer displays a security warning when you open your web gallery from the hard drive (the page contains JavaScript code). It doesn't display this message if you open the same file from a web site. FireFox doesn't display such message in any case.

Publishing on the web

When you've created your web gallery, you may want to display (publish) it on the World Wide Web. Publishing a web gallery is basically copying the files to a destination, such as a web server, where others can browse the web.

You can use FTP (File Transfer Protocol) or some other ways to copy your web gallery. Create a new folder on your web server (web page) and copy the contents of the web gallery folder (including all the subfolders) there. Then you can send the web link to the gallery to your partners and friends. The link may look like:

where: = your web server, mygallery1 = the folder on your web server, index.htm = the web page that the program created.


Here's a web gallery sample created with the "Black Mica" style:

Download MySlideShow Gold

To find more information about the software, please visit MySlideShow page on Anix Software website.